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McAdams Floral
1107 E. Red River
Victoria, TX 77901
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Lavender Swirl Crystal Rose Vase

Deliver magnificent excitement with this bouquet of long stem lavender roses arranged in an elegantly sculpted crystal glass vase. Guaranteed to impress!

Long stem lavender roses and white waxflower are accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a Craig Bachman Swirl Crystal vase (vase designs can vary).

All arrangements are created and photographed as a One-Sided design to view all flowers, however, our roses are designed All-Around Centerpiece style, unless you select the One-Sided option.

Item #: McT12M210

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Plus Service/Delivery Fee and Sales Tax
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Arrangement Style:

Lavender Swirl Crystal Rose Vase by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) Florist
Lavender Swirl Crystal Rose Vase by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) FloristLavender Swirl Crystal Rose Vase Deluxe by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) Florist