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McAdams Floral
1107 E. Red River
Victoria, TX 77901
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Expressions of Sympathy with McAdams Funeral Florist

Sunshine Florist is now serviced by McAdams Floral

The Foliage Shoppe is now serviced by McAdams Floral


McAdams SIGNATURE Dozen Roses

Our McAdams Floral SIGNATURE One Dozen red long stem "Premium Ecuadorian" roses comes with accent filler flower and assorted greens. Our floral designers professionally arrange the roses in a hand blown glass vase, and inhance it with a trendy sheer ribbon. A great way to say "I Love You!"

Please select the prefered color on the drop down menu.

Item #: McVDR01

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McAdams SIGNATURE 12 Long Stem Roses by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) Florist