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McAdams Floral
1107 E. Red River
Victoria, TX 77901
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Seaside Sunshine Bouquet

A burst of springtime sunshine! Brighten up any day with this glorious golden bouquet, presented in a beautiful blue vase of stained glass mosaic.

This bright arrangement includes yellow asiatic lilies, yellow alstroemeria, yellow carnations, blue delphinium, green button spray chrysanthemums, blue sinuata statice, sword fern, spiral eucalyptus, seeded eucalyptus and huckleberry. Delivered in a keepsake Blue Beauty Mosaic vase.


OUR SUBSTITUTION POLICY – We Always deliver the freshest flowers! Please note the bouquet pictured reflects a floral style.  If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, our talented floral designers will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers. We ensure the final design is of equal value.

Item #: T22S105

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Plus Service/Delivery Fee and Sales Tax

Seaside Sunshine Bouquet by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) Florist
Seaside Sunshine Bouquet by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) FloristSeaside Sunshine Bouquet Deluxe by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) FloristSeaside Sunshine Bouquet Premium by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) Florist
Seaside Sunshine Keepsake Container by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) Florist