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McAdams Floral
1107 E. Red River
Victoria, TX 77901
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Seasons Greetings Bouquet

Season's Greetings Bouquet is an expression of holiday elegance set to send your warmest wishes for a wonderful winter season. Red roses and burgundy mini carnations create an exquisite arrangement accented with lush holiday greens, gold glass balls and gold cording.

Arriving in a red ornament inspired ceramic container featuring a gold harlequin pattern, with lid included, this arrangement is the perfect gift for any of the treasured friends, family and co-workers on your list 

Item #: 13-C5

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Plus Service/Delivery Fee and Sales Tax

Seasons Greetings Bouquet by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) Florist
Seasons Greetings Bouquet by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) FloristSeasons Greetings Bouquet Premium by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) Florist