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McAdams Floral
1107 E. Red River
Victoria, TX 77901
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Snowy Sparkle Bouquet

Illuminate the season with this vibrant Christmas bouquet, housed in a festive ceramic ornament jar adorned with sparkling stars and a glossy, hand-painted finish.


Celebrate the season with this festive floral arrangement of white roses, red carnations, miniature red carnations, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums. Accented with white pine and noble fir, Teleflora's Snowy Sparkle Bouquet is elegantly presented in Our  Sprinkle Sparkle Ornament, adding holiday charm to any setting. 


Item #: T24X405

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Snowy Sparkle Bouquet by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) Florist
Snowy Sparkle Bouquet by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) FloristSnowy Sparkle Bouquet by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) FloristSnowy Sparkle Bouquet by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) Florist
Snowy Sparkle Bouquet by McAdams Floral, your Victoria, Texas (TX) Florist