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McAdams Floral
1107 E. Red River
Victoria, TX 77901
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Expressions of Sympathy with McAdams Funeral Florist

Sunshine Florist is now serviced by McAdams Floral

The Foliage Shoppe is now serviced by McAdams Floral


“When you seek happiness for yourself, it will always elude you.
When you seek happiness for others, you will find it yourself” 

You’ve just been given the Traveling Kindness Bouquet.
Please enjoy it for an hour or so…..put your name on the
card and pass the Kindness along to someone else. At the
start of a new day, please add water and when the bouquet
is “tired”, call us and we will pick it up, refresh it and
continue to spread kindness.

If you wish to share your thoughts or impressions, please email us at sales@mcadamsfloral.com  and we will post them!..........THANKS! 

Recelty we were blessed to have the Traveling Kindness Bouquet in our office. It was a Fall Arrangement and it was really beautiful! We enjoy having it, and I think that is an awesome idea that you all came up with to spread some cheer! Thank you for your generosity!
M. Gabrysch

I checked on your Traveling Kindness Bouquet and they have made it to a lot of people already.
Sandra from the auditors office said that when she had them in her office yesterday morning that they already needed to start a new column to write names on the back. I think they are back in the county clerks office though so I asked one of the ladies to let me know if they needed refreshing.
Everyone is talking about them though and they said that they think that is the coolest idea!!
E. Crespin